The board

The board of International Falafel Association (IFA) consists of four members each with a different background in the food industry.

Pierre Orsander

Co-Founder, Board Member
PR & Marketing Manager

Food writer with a background in design and marketing. Behind multiple award-winning startups, successful local events, and other engaging projects praised and mentioned in the press and media.

Jonathan Burns

Co-Founder, Board Member
Program & Event Manager

Teacher and entrepreneur with a background in finance and web development. Involved in projects focused on food, culture and marketing trends.

Titti Qvarnström

Co-Founder, Board Member

Michelin-awarded chef with her hands in a lot of projects with a focus on lifting Malmö and Skånes gastronomic food scene.

Sadoo Iskandarani

Board Member

Chef, entrepreneur and restauranteur with a niche and history in the scene of Lebanese food culture in Sweden.